This is a test

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My First Day in Texas When I drove to San Marcos for the first time, all I saw were corn fields.


Wow, it has been months since I’ve updated. So, here are some pictures of what I’ve been up to: Now I’m back in San Marcos, and the weather is great, classes have started for my last semester at Texas State, and I couldn’t be happier!


I feel incredibly blessed right now. Here I sit in my office, grading papers and suddenly a band starts playing worship music in the huge classroom right in front of me. It’s the Chi Alpha group on campus. I am so thankful I live in a country where this is legal. Say what you will…

Autumn in Texas

It’s still summer. Other than it getting about 10 degrees cooler at night recently, this time of year feels like a Michigan heat wave. Some (and when I say “some” I mean “very few”) leaves are actually turning a nice dark shade of brown and falling, but for the most part, they’re still green. Now’s…

For lack of something better

Here’s a running list of some phrases I don’t particularly care for: cool beans (except in conjunction with Hot Rod) good times rocks my socks off (or any variation) good stuff alrighty then (except whilst watching Ace Ventura) rock on Score! Uber ________ (fill in the blank) I know…right? And a list of phrases I…


This is the time of year when crickets are born…and they take over Texas. I remember last year I couldn’t even get to my apartment door without stepping on at least 103 and they would be falling from above and jumping off the brick walls onto my person. They’re babies right now, but soon they…

First day of Autumn

First of all, I decided to always call it autumn instead of fall Second of all, it was like 90 degrees today Third of all, I rediscovered my love for Vampire Weekend


do Texans think everyone in Michigan loves bowling??

“Feels good minglin’ with these laid back country folk, don’t it Har?”

I spent the day in Bandera, TX today – population: 957. I was the “sound guy” for my old roommate Jon who played some country music with his cousin. As a “sound guy,” you really need to be a strong individual. It takes brute emotional, intellectual and physical strength to be exact. I can’t articulate…

First sightings of Ike

Yeah, it’s pretty far from San Marcos, but clouds are rolling in from the southeast…and from the looks of the cloud radars, they’re from Ike. We’ll get a lot of its leftovers this weekend! It’s crazy to see all the tweets from reporters on the scene and the videos so far. Dave Lahae evacuated Houston…

I feel like being a minimalist for the rest of my life

I’ve been going to a lot of amazing houses lately…and as cool as they are, I just can’t stop thinking about how lavishly I live here in the U.S., how much I waste, how much I don’t need, and how much I don’t even notice it. I am so used to having a roof over…

Jumping on the InternShip

Jonathan, Thanks so much for coming in for the interview, and for the additional info. We want to welcome you as our Interactive blogger intern, if you are agreeable. Talk to you soon, — Tammy Lynn Gilmore Publicity + Press SXSW Interactive Austin, TX I am totally agreeable. Sweet

The Land of 1000+ Activities

The past few days I’ve done so many interesting things. A few of us went to a small town called Gruene that feels like it’s stuck in the 1920s…in a good way. Their actual slogan is “Gently resisting change since 1872.” haha. We danced in what felt like a big barn and everyone felt like…
